'Forgive' shown at Aberdeen Art Fair

In celebration of my painting being selected and exhibited at the Aberdeen Art Fair this coming weekend, I have decided to share the poem I wrote during the pandemic to tell the story of this painting. Poems often help me titling my paintings while giving an abstracted narrative to an abstracted world.

The Aberdeen Art Fair is on display at the Music Hall in Aberdeen from the 2nd to the 4th of September.

The rain came that morning,

as if it knew.

It knew that I would confront it,

that I was ready.

The isle I had stranded myself on

would be given solace

and safety

just for the honesty of trying.

The rain held on

and as it soaked,

we sheltered.

Spoke of butterflies,

of meant-to-bes,

of loving those who can’t,

of how the battle was over

before it even arrived.

Even there

in paradise,

sweet Anu saw.

She set me free from the burden

of feeling

like I could have done more.

That I had allowed myself

to escape

to paradise

too early.

I had tried to understand,

tried to keep us both afloat.

But now

sweet soul

let the storm pass,

let the light pour in,

as you begin

to forgive yourself.